[pycrypto] pycrypto issue

Dwayne C. Litzenberger dlitz at dlitz.net
Sun Mar 28 15:44:20 CST 2010

Please post on the mailing list so that others who have similar problems 
can find the answers by searching the archives.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 09:18:05PM -0700, h nguyen wrote:
>For the file SHA256.py , I copied from SHA and use sha256 function like 
>    # The md5 module is deprecated in Python 2.6, so use hashlib when possible.
>    import hashlib
>    def new(data=""):
>        return hashlib.sha256(data)
>    digest_size = new().digest_size
>except ImportError:
>    from sha256 import *
>    import sha256

There is no need to do that.

>ImportError: cannot import name _counter
>I looked in folder Crypto.Util there's no _counter module...

PyCrypto is partly written in C (in the src/ directory) and partly written 
in Python.  You are using the Python parts and ignoring the C parts, which 
is why it's not working.  As I mentioned before, the parts in C will need 
to be compiled into machine code before they can be used.  You'll either 
need to build it, or you can get Michael Foord's pre-built binaries for 
Windows from his website:


>Do you know that paramiko works on Windows XP?

Yes, I have used paramiko on Windows XP before.

Dwayne C. Litzenberger <dlitz at dlitz.net>
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