[pycrypto] Idea: pycrypto user survey

Thorsten Behrens sbehrens at gmx.li
Fri Jan 7 15:00:15 CST 2011

Hello folk,

I had an idea: How about we find out who uses pycrypto, and how, and 
what they would like to see in future versions?

This might be quite helpful in deciding the direction pycrypto 
development should take. I figured I'd ask for participation on 
python-discuss and python-crypto, and hope that no-one is going to take 
that as an invitation to try and bring my web server down.

I've put a quick sample survey up at: 

Please take a look and let me know:

- Whether you think a survey is a good idea in the first place
- And if so, which changes if any you'd like to see made to the survey 
before it is activated and throw to the Python masses


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