[pycrypto] Base64 encoded output differs from pycrypto and as3crypto libraries.

Joshua Strauss joshua.a.strauss at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 15:49:05 CST 2011


I think you are on to something here. Removing the initialization vector
from both pycrypto and as3crypto produces the same b64encoded output. I've
been playing around with different IV's but I can only get the output to
match without the presence of an IV.

This does lead me to believe that the IV is the source of my problem but if
anyone can think of a reason why this might not be, it would be helpful to
know as I don't want to be on the wrong track.

I haven't done much coding at the byte level (I'm mainly a web developer,
and not seasoned by any means), I'll keep trucking from here I suppose.


On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Legrandin <
gooksankoo at hoiptorrow.mailexpire.com> wrote:

> >    var t_byAry:ByteArray = Hex.toArray( Hex.fromString( t_toEnc ) );
> >    var t_key:ByteArray = Hex.toArray( Hex.fromString( 'Thisisthekey' ) );
> >    var t_cbc:CBCMode = new CBCMode( new BlowFishKey( t_key ), new NullPad
> );
> >    t_cbc.IV = Hex.toArray( '30313233' );
> >    t_cbc.encrypt( t_byAry );
> >    t_enc = Base64.encodeByteArray( t_byAry );
> >    >>> from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
> >    >>> B = Blowfish.new( 'Thisisthekey', Blowfish.MODE_CBC, '30313233' )
> Could it be that in you AS code your IV is 4 bytes (0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33)
> which t_cbc.encrypt() silently pads, whereas in the python code it is 8
> different bytes (0x33 for '3', 0x30 for '0', etc)?
> Legrandin
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