[pycrypto] AES-XTS and AES-Wrap support

Omar Choudary choudary.omar at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 17:10:15 CST 2011

[sorry if you get this twice, first message appears blocked because I
wasn't registered]

Hi guys,

I am working on a project where I have to use several encryption
mechanisms, among which AES-XTS and AES-Wrap.

So far I have been using PyCrypto quite a lot but I didn't find the
AES-XTS and AES-Wrap algorithms as part of it. Therefore I created my
own quick python methods for that.

However I would like to build the C++ version so that is fasert and
then PyCrypto can use that as is done with the other ciphers.

Can you please let me know if there is already an existing
implementation of those I don't know about or if I should go ahead and
do it? (I have already started a bit actually)


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